
capitalism is a bummer

isnt it funny how humans have become so accustomed to having everything at their fingertips. if you need light, flick on the switch. if you need a lightbulb because yours has just burned out, go to your pick of a grocery or even an everything store, target, walmart, kmart. while your there pick up some laundry detergent made thousands of miles away and some fruit from another country. stop at a starbucks on the way home and get a cup of coffee, complain to your friend of how much it costs, and never even think of what it took to get that bean from the ground to your mouth. or how little the farmer who grew those beans were paid in comparison to the profit starbucks is making on your ability to not function without coffee. i can buy a palm tree at any home improvement center even though i live in a four seasoned climate. something has been lost along the way, over the years. the value of commodities has been reduced to nothing but a price tag. selfishness has become a norm. if you want it, you can have it, as long as you have the money. i dont always think this is a bad thing. i find it quite accommodating sometimes. i dont know the first thing in making light bulbs, or anything but an idea of how to roast coffee . this system allows us to have luxuries beyond our knowledge. but i think this is where the problem lies. we ourselves dont really know much of anything. my generation is proficient in googling. im not preaching some sort of doomsday 2012 situation, or awaiting the end of society as we know it, but if there ever were to be a catastrophic event, most of us would be pretty fucked. we rely on the internet for our information, the grocery store for our food, and bottles for fresh, clean water. i wish more people could look beyond a price tag, think about where things came from and what it took to get it to them. maybe then we could see the true value of things, and realize how many of the things we take for granted every day are really luxuries.
i think i do a decent job at living my life to the ideals i have. i can do better though. i should probably stop complaining and making whiny blog posts. im just in a shit mood and would like to talk up my mood with words of inspiration on how i should change my life for the better. blah blah. i think ill just go eat something yummy and take some photographs of the lovely changing clouds.

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