
i can not wait to wear long skirts/dresses all summer. unfortunately, its hard to ride a bicycle wearing such an outfit, but ill have to find a way. gas prices are outrageous. and i love riding in the heat (cant say the same about the cold). there is really not much necessity for a car in richmond, at least where i live. anything you could need is a bike ride away. i do enjoy having a car though. when i lived in san diego i was vehicle-less and it was fine. there were times when it was a bit annoying. like when i bought new pillows. very awkward getting on a bus with 5 pillows...
since this post was originally about how much i love long skirts, and 'fashion' oriented, ill add that i finally purchased a pair of those super bold printed pants that h&m has had for many months now. i will be wearing them every day. like when i was a little girl. if i had an outfit i liked, i would wear it every. single. day. i remember specifically a pair of floral printed overalls, or shorteralls, cause they were shorts. also, a pair of leopard print PIPPERS pants. if you are from bellport, new york or surrounding towns you are probably the only ones who know what that means but looking back, they are curiously similar in style to the pants i got today. i guess my style hasn't changed much.
i will now retire to my cozy bed, because i recently got a used copy of the golden compass and cant wait to leave present day planet earth and travel to lyra's oxford.

1 comment:

  1. do you know what I would give for an adult sized of PIPPERS pants? So soft, so perfect!
