
WATCH OUT FOR:semi-permanently-attached-bracelets

today, something happened to me. it has happened once before. no, that's a lie. it has happened multiple times before and one would think i should learn from history. i came home from work, entered my bedroom, and sat at my desk. pretty normal coming home from work routine. as i sat down i smelled something. it was an odd smell. i wouldn't describe it as a stench. it came and went. it was not a stink. it didn't smell terrible. it absolutely didn't smell great, it wasn't a whiff of fresh air or flowers. one second it was invading my nasal passage, the next gone. i thought, maybe its the bedroom. i do have smelly sneakers laying around. it hasn't been cleaned and laundry has yet to be done. but it just wasn't quite a laundry smell. it definitely wasn't a sneaker stink, cause when my shoes smell, they smell awful. like i need to throw them out because no amount of baby powder, air, or runs through the washing machine will do them any good. this only happens to vans by the way. vans look and feel better without socks. they also get smelly faster this way but oh well. i wear other sneakers/shoes without socks. i kind of hate socks. no other shoe has ever proved to be as smelly as a vans sneaker.
MOVING ON from my rant, the smell was not coming from any shoe, or any bit of laundry. i went sniffing in the next obvious place, my armpits of course. i don't wear deodorant. its sticky. it gets on my clothes. it always smells like baby ass or a skanky teenager. i would also prefer to keep anything that prevents my body from performing a natural and healthy function far way from my open armpit pores. anything that doesnt fall into an aforementioned category, like 'natural' deodorant just seriously makes my armpits smell. it magnifies the very slight odor that you would have to have your nose stuck all up in my pit to smell and makes it worse. so its possible, after a long hard day of work, my armpit could be a bit stinky. but no. not the armpit. my shirt, possibly covered in restaurant skank (old coffee, smashed fries, bacon grease, ketchup, mayo, butter, egg yolk, etc.) was the next stop for my nose. smell free! where did this smell come from?! maybe its in my nose? this used to happen when i had nose jewelry but i have since taken all of that out. my feet?! nope. the carpet? noway. my HANDS? ugh, no. i give up. if i cant find it, maybe it is in my head. i am imagining a smell. whatever. weirder things have happened.
a few hours pass. i am happily sewing away. i stop for a contemplation. put my arm up to my head for a scratch to complete the stereotypical contemplation stance and I SMELL IT! what! WHERE IS ITTT! GAHH! i put myself back into the exact position i was in when it happened, and memory kicks in. i remember this exact thing happening many times. i look down at the little leather and twine bracelet on my left wrist. i love this bracelet. ross made it for me many months ago and i have not taken it off since. i bring it up to my nose and take a little sniff. wow. that fucking smells so...odd. its like the smell of rotting soap. like nothing else. nothing else i have ever smelled mimics that of bracelets which have been on the wrist and being to take on a smell. THE MYSTERY HAS BEEN SOLVED, once again. hopefully the next time this happens, and i'm sure there will be a next time, for i love handmade bracelets which are semi-permanently-attached to me, i will have the foresight to find that little smell right away and an intensely long, drawn out, and sort of ridiculous blog post will not be necessary. the end.

1 comment:

  1. this is my favorite sentence
    " so its possible, after a long hard day of work, my armpit could be a bit stinky."

    by the way it's rebecca.
